Celebration of Life / Scattering of Ashes

One proverb of anonymous origin observes:

“Only three things in life are certain: birth, death, and change.”

So as we celebrate birth, why not mark the death of a loved one as a  Celebration and have a ceremony that reflects who they were as an individual, rather than merely performing an expected ‘ritual’?

In our opinion, it is a Celebration of Life that gives families the most flexibility and freedom to create exactly what it says – a Celebration!!  And that Celebration can take any or many forms, and can include all sorts of elements, with everybody that can, allowed to participate!!

This can be the families’ opportunity to showcase the likes, skills, wishes and desires of their loved one, in as many ways as they would like.

For example;

if the loved one loved flowers, then favourite flowers could be arranged, and perhaps seeds of same handed out;

if the family member was a great collector of , say bells, or teapots, or teaspoons, then these could be handed out as keepsakes to those attending.

Or if perhaps the loved one was a keen sportsman, golfer, photographer etc., then the specific interest can be worked into the itinerary of the Celebration.

This is where the family can use their imagination to create something truly Celebratory as a way of thanks for the life of their loved one.

Get your thinking caps on, and then contact me!!

Scattering of Ashes

This ceremony is one where a few points must be remembered: –

If scattering on land – relevant permissions must be sought.

If scattering at Sea – it must take place at a certain distance from land, and only bio-degradeable items can be scattered on the water.

Nevertheless, there are still elements that can be incorporated into such a Ceremony: –

  • Prayers, Readings can be said; and
  • Music, either portable or live, can be played.
  • Memory gifts can be handed out as take-home-keepsakes, not left on site.

As you chosen Celebrant, I can assist with the expected regulations regarding Scattering of Ashes in Shetland, so contact me, and we can discuss further what can be put in place to suit your wishes for your loved one.


60 North Celebrant