Who Am I

My name is Hazel,

and I live on the island of Bressay, in the beautiful, picturesque, but sometimes wild, Shetland Isles!

The Shetland Isles are situated on the 60° North line of equatorial latitude, and so an appropriate choice for the name and logo of a business based there!

And that business is Family and Funeral Celebrancy!
A Celebrant is someone who is trained to assist clients in the creation, writing and delivery of any of the ‘Circle of Life’ events that we are likely to experience in our lifetimes.

So, if you are planning a Wedding, or thinking to have a Naming Ceremony for your child or children, or are perhaps organising a funeral for someone, then I can help you to create and write the Ceremony, and  can deliver it for you – or better still, with you, at a venue of your choosing.

60 North Celebrant