Anniversary / Vow Renewal

And then, in no time at all, we have reached the milestone Anniversaries, whether it be 1st, 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th, or even 70th!!

It is our opinion that every one is worth Celebrating, and I can help you to put together some texts of your choosing to mark the number of years, and can also incorporate some wording to enable you to renew the vows you made at your Wedding Ceremony, if you so wish.

There may come a time, during the course of a couple’s life together, that they wish to re-affirm the vows that were said at their first Ceremony; or perhaps circumstances at that time did not allow for them to fully convey their commitment to each other.

I can meet with you, and create a ceremony of re-affirmation and renewal, that fits with the people you are now, and reflects what you wish to promise each other in the years ahead.

And this doesn’t have to be a special anniversary as such, after all, whichever date is chosen will become your own ‘special’ anniversary, from now on!

As we know that there are many different Anniversaries, with each one having its’ own Flower, Gemstone, Colour, and Celebration linked to it, then there are too many to list in this paragraph!!

But to assist you with possible options, I have linked a page which sets out various options, and I suggest that you have a look, and then contact me with whatever your suggestions may be.

As far as possible, then we will try to incorporate elements which are relevant to you, and perhaps even ones which you have created yourselves!!

The chosen date of a renewal of vows may be on a special anniversary, or it may not.   After all, whichever date is chosen will become your own ‘special’ anniversary, from this day forward!

Therefore, while all the various elements that are available for weddings and/or anniversaries can be used at a renewal as well;   Elements such as: –

  • Candle
  • Sand
  • Ribbons, Cord
  • Parchment signing
  • Rose Ceremony
  • Wishing Box
  • Wine Box

May I suggest that this is also your opportunity to create special elements of your own?!


60 North Celebrant